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2019 Milipol Paris MILFORCE

Views: 207     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-11-27      Origin: Site


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2019 Milipol Paris MILFORCE


Milipol Paris is the leading event dedicated to homeland security. The 21st edition will be held on 19-22 November 2019 at Paris-Nord Villepinte Exhibition Centre. In 2017, the event attracted no fewer than 1,005 exhibitors from 53 countries, 29,939 visitors from 151 countries and 161 official delegations from 77 countries.

For many decades Milipol Paris has enjoyed a worldwide status as the leading event dedicated to the security profession. It provides the perfect forum for presenting the latest technological innovations in the area, effectively meeting the needs of the sector as a whole and also addressing current threats and dangers.

Milforce has been participating in the Milipol Pairs exhibition for two consecutive years since 2015. The company’s products are military boots, desert boots, jungle boots, tactical boots and so on. After more than 30 years of development, our company has been able to carry out customized services for all types of military boots, targeting customers with different requirements. Give the best quality and service.

(↓ Milipol paris 2019)

2019 MILIPOL PARIS Exhibition-1

2019 MILIPOL PARIS Exhibition-2

2019 MILIPOL PARIS Exhibition-3


Professional Military Boots Manufacturers —— Since 1984
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